Brian's Blog - Brian Murphy for Cambridge City Council

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Join Me at the Dog Parks Hearing

I hope you can join me for a meeting of the Public Facilities Committee on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 to discuss off-leash dog runs for Cambridge. The meeting will be held at 5:30pm in Sullivan Chamber at City Hall.

At the meeting, I'll provide an update on the status of potential off-leash dog spaces in Cambridge, including those in Cambridgeport, Fresh Pond, East Cambridge and Danehy Park. For the past year, I've been fighting for an increase in the number of dog parks in our city. It continues to be a challenge given the constraints of limited open space and competing demands. Dog runs, however, provide dogs and people with safe spaces to exercise, make friends and help build stronger communities.

For more information, you can e-mail me, or get in touch with CDOG, the dog owners advocacy group here in Cambridge. Their website is:


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