Brian's Blog - Brian Murphy for Cambridge City Council

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Candidates Forum Wrap-Up

Returned from candidates’ forum at the Senior Center sponsored by DFA-Cambridge, Progressive Democrats of Cambridge and CPPAX. Amazing turnout – I’d guess 125 people on a hot August night showed up and stayed from 7 pm until 930 pm.. Fifteen of the eighteen candidates for city council showed up.

I always get dry mouth at these events – I went through three bottles of water during the evening! It’s a challenge to answer questions with any level of detail with so many candidates, but the issues discussed were crucial – affordable housing, development concerns, tax reform, and more. We had a minute to respond to each question. There was a more detailed candidate questionnaire completed in advance– my responses can be found at .

It was really most exciting to see that many people attend the forum this early in the season – it’s a hopeful sign that progressives will be engaged and involved in this campaign.


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